Friday, February 11, 2011

Winter Garden Fix ! Nearly Instant Chives

It's zero outside, couple feet of ice on the ground. Looking at seed-catalog-porn and planning the spring planting is just not enough. Here is how to get your garden fix:
Nearly Instant Garlic Chives:
Chives taste of a mild blend of garlic and onion, without being overpowering. Garnish egg dishes, omelettes, caviar, fish, salads, chicken, meat, dairy, and vegetable dishes and sauces .. everything, basically tastes better with chives . Best served fresh.
1: Clip a clean, unbruised garlic bulb from your kitchen. Make sure there is no green mold on your bulb. If possible, look for a garlic bulb that has a little sprout of green peeking out.
2: Plant in existing potted plants indoors, (or plant a bunch in a new pot if you prefer.) Winter window light is fine. Garlic does not need a lot of sun. Poke a hole in the soil with your finger or a pencil, and gently place the bulb, with the root end in the soil and the green shoot facing up, plant it only halfway down. Water a little
Then... stand back! Water every day if possible, but don't let them be drenched. Note: You can fertilize with coffee grounds and tea leaves, (not flavored types).  

Day Two: Chives are ready for clipping! But I will wait one more day.
Clip at the moment it is to be used This guarantees the flavor and nutrition is delivered completely, as nature intended.
  Day 3: Harvest Time! Cut with CLEAN scissors -- just above the white sheath of bulb, rinse, and use scissors to cut directly over your dish. Enjoy! Note: Cut just above the white sheath at the tip where the green shoot emerges. Try to leave the garlic sheath undisturbed.  
CHEF TIP!: Scissors are great for cutting herbs and salad greens. Produce is not bruised in the cutting, as can happen with knife-chopping . Convenient. Safer than knives. Much easier on the wrists than chopping on a cutting board, (especially for kids, and those with dexterity, wrist, carpal tunnel, or text-thumb issues) * If you use organic garlic and organic soil, and fertilized with your organic kitchen scraps, you have just made organic chives at home...( for free.)      
* Keep watering your garlic and you will have chives again in just a couple of days.      Other indoor kitchen garden plants include: Ginger, Onion Chives, Lychees , Avocadoes
comin' up next :
" From Your Kitchen, By Your Kitchen, For Your Kitchen"
: How Lisa Hawkins taught me to stop worrying and love the worms. hcb